Insider Transactions

Date Filer Title Filing Type Shares Traded Price Total Held
Mar 31, 2020
Director Form 4 Grant, award or other acquisition pursuant to Rule 16b-3(d) 271 $92.23 736
Dec 31, 2019
Director Form 4 Grant, award or other acquisition pursuant to Rule 16b-3(d) 181 $137.86 462
Sep 30, 2019
Director Form 4 Grant, award or other acquisition pursuant to Rule 16b-3(d) 192 $129.66 279
Jun 30, 2019
Director Form 4 Grant, award or other acquisition pursuant to Rule 16b-3(d) 85 $129.00 85
May 29, 2019
Director Form 4 Grant, award or other acquisition pursuant to Rule 16b-3(d) 1,140 $0.25 1,140

* Represents the number of non-derivative securities directly held. (I) Indicates that some (or all) of these shares are held indirectly.