Boston Properties Announces Energy, Emissions, Water and Waste Goals in 2015 GRI-Aligned Sustainability Report

May 25, 2016

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 25, 2016-- Boston Properties, Inc. (NYSE: BXP), a leading property developer, owner and manager, has announced sustainability goals for the first time in its 2015 GRI-aligned Sustainability Report. The goals establish targets for energy, emissions, water and waste reductions for approximately 37 million square feet of actively managed office buildings in Boston, New York, San Francisco and Washington, DC.

“Given the increasing importance of sustainability considerations to our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities we serve, we are pleased to announce specific resource conservation goals for Boston Properties,” said Owen Thomas, CEO. “We are executing our sustainability strategy by pursuing energy, water and waste conservation measures that have economic and environmental benefits. We are proud of our sustainability efforts to date and will continue to strive to adopt impactful policies that improve our performance outcomes.”

For the year 2020, assuming a 2008 base year, Boston Properties established the following goals:

15x20 Energy Use Reduction Goal—reduce energy use intensity, targets a 15% reduction (kBtu/SF);

20x20 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal—reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity from energy consumption, targets a 20% reduction (kgCO2e/SF);

20x20 Water Use Reduction Goal—reduce water use intensity, targets a 20% reduction (gallons/SF); and

65x20 Waste Diversion Goal—increase waste diverted from landfill, targets a 65% diversion (% diverted).

“By establishing company-wide sustainability key performance indicator goals, we will raise stakeholder awareness and aim to achieve consistent year-over-year, like-for-like improvements,” said Ben Myers, Sustainability Manager. “These goals are tangible evidence of our past, present and future commitment to manage the external environmental impacts of our activities, which include the design and construction of new developments and operation of existing buildings.”

To learn more about Boston Properties’ commitment to sustainability and to view the entire report, please visit our Sustainability section of the Company’s website at

Boston Properties is a fully integrated, self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust that develops, redevelops, acquires, manages, operates and owns a diverse portfolio of Class A office space, five retail properties, four residential properties and one hotel. The Company is one of the largest owners and developers of Class A office properties in the United States, concentrated in four markets—Boston, New York, San Francisco and Washington, DC.

Source: Boston Properties, Inc.

Boston Properties, Inc.
Michael LaBelle, 617-236-3352
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Arista Joyner, 617-236-3343
Investor Relations Manager